Over View

Hohenems is a town located in the Vorarlberg region of Austria, known for its historical sites, cultural attractions, and scenic surroundings. Here’s a guide to help you plan your visit to Hohenems:

1. Schloss Hofen: 

Explore Schloss Hofen, a historic castle that now serves as a cultural and educational center, hosting concerts, exhibitions, and events.

2. Jewish Museum Hohenems: 

Visit the Jewish Museum to learn about the history of the Jewish community in Hohenems and the region.

3. Renaissance Town Hall: 

Admire the architecture of the Renaissance-style town hall, located in the town center.

4. Palast Hohenems: 

Discover Palast Hohenems, a historic palace that showcases the history and culture of Hohenems and the surrounding area.

5. Pfarrkirche St. Karl Borromäus: 

Visit the parish church known for its Baroque architecture and ornate interior decorations.

6. Villa Rosenthal: 

Explore Villa Rosenthal, a former residence that now hosts cultural events, exhibitions, and performances.

7. Local Events: 

Check if any local events, festivals, or markets are happening during your visit to experience the local culture.

8. Rhine Valley and Mountains:

Enjoy the scenic beauty of the Rhine Valley and the nearby mountains, which offer opportunities for hiking and outdoor activities.

9. Public Transportation: 

Hohenems is accessible by train and offers public transportation options to explore the town and the surrounding region.

10. Local Cuisine: 

Taste traditional Austrian dishes and regional specialties at local restaurants and cafes in Hohenems.

Hohenems’ blend of historical heritage, cultural offerings, and natural beauty makes it an intriguing destination. Whether you’re exploring its historical sites, enjoying cultural events, or immersing yourself in its local culture, Hohenems provides a unique and enriching experience for travelers seeking a mix of tradition and exploration.